Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stephane Dion Website Attack Ad

Ok if you live in Canada, or care for that matter, there has been a new election for Prime Minister. This is against, mainly Conservative leader and current Prime Minister Steven Harper, NDP Leader Jack Laton (I don't know how to spell it), and Liberal leader Stephane Dion. Now Harper I beleive had his board members write some new material on the Conservative website, this material just happened to be an attack ad, towards the one and only Jesse Guarascia de Urena, I mean uhh Stephane Dion. While we were watching the local news, I saw that the website ad consisted of Stephane Dion some un-important information about his past and his thought's on how the goverment should be run, which were all being completely debunked as stupid.

If I recall from an episode of Family Guy, the undecided voter will vote for the stupidest person in the game, so Harper will get all of the votes. Instead of making some compelling points about how smart his opponent is but that you can do better, he simply does what I said, shows Dion and calls his ideas stupid, but he also shows a bird taking little white canary dumps on Dion's shoulder. When I was speaking to my mother she didn't get it, neither did I all he did was make fun of him and show a bird pooping on him.
I just think Harper could have atleast put a little damn thought or got his site managers, to put a little thought into making and attack ad. If he did I think I could respect him a little bit, but you know if the undecided voter wasn't such a retard we wouldn't have to deal with this bullcrap. Anyways that just my opinion and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Jack Xu said...

it's jack LAYTON, he was pretty fat a couple years back. Stephane Dion suck, as does Harper, however, i must go with the conservetives this time. All the other parties are phail, i don't know why they try.