Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am now the Internet Critic

Hello and welcome to another exciting day here at Guarascia Home Blog, although there's no news I always have something to talk about in my free time. Like this, I have finally found what I'm going to talk about, the Internet. Yeah yeah I know I already talk about that stuff, but now 95% of the time this'll be all I talk about. Every day Monday to Saturday, I'll be either reviewing some new or old software or games usually freeware and whatever looks interesting, or websites. On Sundays though I'll do some searching and write on something interesting.

Well this is my first post as the Internet Critic, thanks for reading and you can share your ideas on what internet programs and games you would like me to either review or rant about, and to talk to me personally email me at


By MSN -
By AIM - Loredivine

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