Wednesday, September 24, 2008

IC and JG: Double Time Review

Here at IC, quality is first no matter what we're doing; quality is where we start off. In the past few days, quality and information has lacked somewhat, so in noticing this, and that Knight Rider didn't get reviewed by me, here's a double post by both me and Jesse. Well enjoy, and sorry for the delay of content.

Internet Critic checks out - Zero Punctuation

Mmmmm Wednesday joy, this show makes my wednesdays worth waking up for. You know that feeling when you feel deprived of deliciously tastefilled videos, well this man is what does it for me. On Wednesdays my little friend, Zero Punctuation, critiques some of the newest games of the week, but instead of doing it like the nerd where he records himself, he records MS Paint photos and plays them on The

I really have to give him big props, no matter how many impersonators come around he always ups his game to come back at them. One of probably the only impersonators that does any good is Alhorian on Youtube. Our yellow back-ground hero(in) is extremely into video games, to the point where he sometimes goes without food just to play them.

It seems no matter how hard Australians try, they never get the good end of the stick, games are truly a fortune considering in the U.S., Rockband is $180 and in the Austrian Outback Marketplace (AOM for short) it costs over $300. This may be a downside, but with Zero Punc. covering what games are worth buying, such as Braid, he is truly necessary down there. Now I believe Fesse The Faggot wants to say something.

Jesse Guarascia in: iHate iTunes

Well the title kind of over-exaggerates what I'm saying, but it is true, iHate iTunes. Ok Apple explain to me why you think, just because the iPod and the iPhone start with a lower-case I, you can name the program to put songs on the devices iTunes. I guess saying, "My iTunes has like 1,000 songs", is better to say then "Yo my iPod has like 2,000 songs on it, I put them on with Song Applier Ver. 11.45.8."

While I'm talking about iTunes as a program, why the hell did Apple think it was a good idea to make every iPod have only one iTunes, and if it uses another one it deletes all of your songs. I mean I can understand that you could move files from one computer to another that contain viruses. Although that is a valid idea, does it really affect the fact that your friend may have a song you don't have but want, yeah well don't use your iPod or that'll be the only song you ever get to put on.

The final thing I have to point out is the iTunes Store. Ok the iTunes Store is basically a way to buy songs to put on your iPod from Apple themselves, what Apple obviously understands is that smart people know how to transfer songs from Limewire to iTunes. The store does have far better quality, and has movies and pod casts, most of which you can't legally download from Limewire and play on your iPod. That's all iHave to say, thank you for reading.

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Apple Website
Zero Punctuation
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