Sunday, September 21, 2008

PC Gamers I Envy You

Hey Jesse Guarascia back again to post you some quality information, for no pay whatsoever. I speak for the entire new generation of gamers that we don't care much for PC Games. Then again, I do beleive you guys get the upper hand when it comes to some A+ games, Quake 4, most if not all of the Sims, and I guess some 360 ports with easier controls such as BioShock.

Here's why I envy you oh so amazing 39 year-old grandma boys, how the shit do you get PC games to run on common computers. Ok I own 2 computers, one for freeware gaming, and one for browsing the web and blogging. The first ones a Dell the other one is an HP Pavillion. Now yesterday I went out and bought a copy of Psychonauts for the PC, why because I can that's why. So right when I got back I opened it up took out CD 1 and loaded it up, when I did I had to do the whole put in Disc 2 then 3 and so on, once it was done I clicked Play Psychonauts on the splash screen, and I get a pop-up that reads, Psychonauts could create Device3D please ensure your video cards are installed and up-to-date.

Ok, so after that I make sure my cards are in and new and strong so I check out the site, all I get is make sure the cards are working, well of course there working dipshit or I couldn't read this. Well this is bullcrap, this is one of the reasons I don't PC game about unless there are no other ways to play the games. Some people rave Crysis for kicking ass, but really I could just play it on the PS3, now do mind the controls will suck monkey hair dipped in caramel but atleast I can play it. This also falls under the same level as Psychonauts, it's for the PS2 and the original Xbox and the XBLM (Xbox Live Marketplace) and Steam, so I don't have to spend $300 on all the video cards I would need, I can just spend like $70; $50 for the PS2 and $20 for Psychonauts.

I'm just gonna have to say if you have Alienware or a really high-end ass PC that your not using mail it to:

52 Cookie Monster Dr.
Jesse Guarascia

Anyways that's all I have to say oh by the way, IC (Internet Critic) is coming back tommorrow to tell you all about the Season Premiere of Heroes, the best show ever, and that's all I have to say and thanks for reading.

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AIM me at: Loredivine

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