Monday, October 6, 2008

IC's Blogger Tutorials #1 - Youtube Videos

Hey IC here to give you some quality information for absolutely no pay whatsoever. Hello, and welcome to my 5 part tutorial on some advanced and very easy tricks on Blogspot blogs. The first one I will speak of is how to add youtube videos directly to your post. Now this trick isn't too difficult so I'll try my best to keep this short and to the point.

Step #1: Now to get the video to show directly on your blog, you must go to the youtube video in question. Now to the right of the video (under the discription), there is a line of text that to the left of it reads "Embed", which is program language for, "to show something on a website."

Step #2: Copy and paste the "Embed" link and go back to blogger, then click new post and write everything you think is important as to why the video is their and/or talk about what you were going to talk about in the post to start with. Now go to "EDIT HTML" it's very important that you paste the code there, because if you paste it just with the text it will come up as text.
Step #3: Be sure that you pasted the "Embed" code where it is most complimented with your post. Once your done just click publish post, and your good to go. If you think the post needs some touching up you can click save as draft and edit it later. Also it's incredibly important that you credit the creator of the video for legal issues.
That's all and stay tuned for the rest of IC's Blogger Tutorials, where I'll tell you how to add counters and banners to your blog, how to move around the placement or things on your blog, and much much more. Thank you for reading, and happy blogging.

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