The game play is solid, but is missing the "right stuff", "the essence", what the french might call..... I don't know what. What Dr. Evil's monologue means in this case is that even if there is a really engrossing game play, it will eventually get boring. The game play for this game is basically just going through a couple of levels using only your super amazing ninja powers and jump to the end. What I find interestingly boring about this is to see the end you have to not just do this, but you must also collect yellow blocks that regain the time you have to complete the level. This is reminiscent to Prince of Persia where you need time sand to go back and forth in time. You also have the ability to make your own levels, but does that matter when Boom Blox, SSBB, and like 300 other games have it.
I'm on the Prince of Persia imitations, you have the ability to jump but only so far and only fall so much. The falling is more annoying then my cat that doesn't know how to fuck off, since it changes depending on the level, on one level you could fall 5000 yards and survive, where as on level whatever-the-hell you can fall maybe 300 yards. The opposite of Prince of Persia is the killing, instead of being stabbed with say a knife, you instead get shot, electrocuted, exploded and well 5-story splatter owned. That's kinda weird that your a ninja, the ultimate human being, yet people still believe shooting you is the correct method of death for you. I'm not saying this is a bad game, but they could have done much better, I guess we'll just have to see if the sequel, N+, is any good when I buy it, If I ever do. Well that's all I have to say, and thank you for reading.
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